Please follow the link below to access our online tutorial timetable:

Please click on the appropriate timeslot below to log your interest in that session.
Once you have submitted your details, you will be sent a confirmation email and webinar link to access the time with your trainer/mentor. 

Movement Webinars

What to Expect: A Practical session focusing on one of the primary movements we do in the gym – Deadlift, Lunge, Squat, Row, Press, Overhead, Core and Rotation. We break down the movement(s), do’s and don’ts, muscles involved, the role of the nervous system and the possible regressions and progressions.

Whether you are working through the theory in 401 or the practical work in 402 – these sessions are a must.

Workout and Learn

What to Expect: A session that combines an actual workout with some of the theory and practicals you are working through in the course. We start with a 20-25 min bodyweight work and follow it up with a Q and A focusing on one of the following areas – How the trainer delivered the session, how it was designed, the acute and chronic responses the body goes through, and the primary energy systems being used.

These sessions are great where-ever you are on the course as they cover both the theory and practical needed to pass your assignments. (and you also get a workout)